It is nice to see pictures of some of my favorite fashion law blogger folks at the recently completed Fordham Law Institute’s “Law and the Little Black Dress” event. Kenya Wiley, my Georgetown Law buddy and former moot court team mate, makes an appearance and of course when she entered, the whole room lit up!! Look at that BIG bright smile! Wiley is also the owner of an innovative blog portal Fashion Cloture. Fashion Cloture is literally where I go for all things Fashion Politics. Another Fashion law folk making an appearance is Mohammed Shariff, (also an attorney) and a blogger who owns Fame Appeal. I also love seeing pictures of Susan Scafidi, the brain behind the first ever Fashion Law Institute in the country, at these events. She is always so happy and you can tell she is really living her dream and doing what she loves to do, Fashion Law.
Enjoy a few pictures below, read a brief excerpt of Shariff’s experience at the event and head to his blog for the full scoop.
You can visit the school’s web page for a rather extensive collection of event photos.
-Photos Fordham’s Fashion Law Institute
“An evening at Louis Vuitton headquarters in NYC, Michael Pantalony Esq, protector of Intellectual Property of Louis Vuitton Moet Hennesey Fashion Group (LVMH) stated “If you come close to copying the (Louis Vuitton) Mark you will hear from LV,” keynote speaker @Fordham Fashion Law Institute’s CLE Mr. Pantaloney took current copyright protection to the butchering block.The sheer number of companies that he must sue can easily make an observer forget LVMH’s market strength. On the other hand, it serves as a reminder that LVMH still needs to protect itself. Everyone is copying LV and their companies (such as Givenchy and Marc Jacob); we see the infamous Forever 21 rip-offs, knock off skirts by Zara, counterfeit dresses by Bloomsbury, and numerous look a likes by Bebe. These are perfect examples (see below) of how lower-end fashion houses freely create infringing reproductions due to inadequate fashion design protection. Afterwards, IP litigator Jonathan Moskin Esq., went through an in depth analysis of Aesthetic Functionality and the potential significance of its reemergence in the protection of fashion. you can download the pdf here. . .” – Fame Appeal has the full story.

FASHIONENTLAW blog, authored by Ms. Uduak, was first established in 2010. It is now incorporated, in 2021, as part of the FASHIONENTLAW LAW FIRM blog. The blog is for informational purposes only and provides legal commentary and analysis on the intersection of mainstream America pop culture and the law. It also provides updates on Ms. Uduak’s speaking engagements and press activities. For inquiries on topics covered on this site, please get in touch with our firm. If you seek legal representation for your specific legal needs, please schedule a consultation.
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