Trial: Take Your Penis Out of My Face Andy Dick, Not Funny!

I have always been perplexed with people who do downright stupid, hurtful and humiliating things to others and think it funny. As in, “I am so eccentric i.e. “cool” so the rest of you “non-eccentric” aka “normal” aka “boring” people, deal with me and laugh when my acts hurt or humiliate you.” Errr. . . says who? “Normal” people don’t …

Bloggers and The Law: New FTC Rule to Focus on Banner Ads

Fashion & entertainment online retailers and bloggers, it is time to stay up to date on the latest happenings with the FTC as it continues to find its footing to better regulate online activity. Below is the latest scoop: “The current guidelines have made it clear that, regardless of technology, online advertisements must disclose material information, but MediaPost reports that …