Another one bites the dust and of course I am very happy. My Georgetown Law Moot Court team mate Ms. Kenya Wiley launches her blog, Fashion Cloture, which is the fusion of fashion, politics and the law. Nice!
“Fashion Cloture will connect the fashion industry with Washington,” says Wiley. “[It]will cover public policy and political issues impacting the business of fashion, including intellectual property, trade, labor, and the economy.”
Ms. Wiley is currently counsel for the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.We need the full picture on the fashion industry, starting from the legislative end.
So what to expect? I like Ms. Wiley’s current writeup on the “Fashion Copyright” bill.
“Later this week, designers will showcase their collections during the Fall 2011 Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week. However, these fashion designs will not be protected from copyright infringement. During the 111th Congress, both the House and the Senate introduced legislation that would have provided copyright protection for fashion designs for three years, but both bills failed to make it out of each respective chamber. Congress also introduced similar legislation during the 110th Congress.
Rep. Goodlatte and former Rep. Delahunt (now retired) were the lead sponsors of the Design Piracy Prohibition Act (H.R. 2196) during the 111th Congress, but the House Judiciary Committee did not mark up H.R. 2196 due to concerns expressed by various stakeholders. Rep. Goodlatte has been a longtime supporter of advancing design piracy legislation, and he championed the legislation during the 110th and 111th Congresses. . .”
For more of Ms. Wiley’s Fashion Clouture click here.

FASHIONENTLAW blog, authored by Ms. Uduak, was first established in 2010. It is now incorporated, in 2021, as part of the FASHIONENTLAW LAW FIRM blog. The blog is for informational purposes only and provides legal commentary and analysis on the intersection of mainstream America pop culture and the law. It also provides updates on Ms. Uduak’s speaking engagements and press activities. For inquiries on topics covered on this site, please get in touch with our firm. If you seek legal representation for your specific legal needs, please schedule a consultation.
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