Broken Syringe May Exonerate Dr. Conrad Murray in MJ Manslaughter Case

This is very interesting. First review some of my prior analysis on the State v Dr. Conrad Murray case. Next, whose fingerprint was on the broken syringe revealed below? Does the case take a different twist if it is neither Dr. Murray’s or Michael Jackson’s? Do you think the Prosecutor would dismiss the case if it turns out the fingerprint …

Dr. Conrad Murray Pleads Not Guilty in Michael Jackson Case. #Criminal Procedure

The State v. Murray Involuntary Manslaughter case has gone through its preliminary hearing. So what next in the criminal proceeding? The ARRAIGNMENT. Here, the court reads the charges filed in the complaint to the defendant. If the defendant cannot afford a lawyer, the court appoints one for him/her. The court then ask how a defendant pleads. Guilty or not guilty? …